3cylinder diesel tractor with hydraulics and front bucket (mainly for turning compost piles)
Large cooler unit for storage of vegetables during the warm season
Portable cooler unit for transporting vegetables during the warm season
MIG Welder
Windmilll for charging remote electric fencing and pumping water to crops/animals
Large wood-based water heating & circulation system for heating greenhouse/barn
Greenhouse-grade plastic for repair and putting up new greenhouses (you cannot have too many greenhouses)
Metal tubing for framing greenhouses
Drip tape, outside water hose, connectors, splitters, on/off valves etc
Fencing material (wire, posts, electric fencing tape)
Lumber (repairing fencing, coldframes, greenhouses, raised beds etc)
Small, medium and large planting pots, trays for holding seedlings
Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, lawn seed/limestone spreaders
Horse tack & gear (halters, leads, sleighs, carts, harnesses, saddles, saddlebags etc)
Horse powered farm implements (plows, harrows, hay cutters, hay flippers, discs etc)
Metal (raw material for repairing sleighs, machinery, trailers, equipment). Angle iron, sheet metal, metal roofing, binding wire for securing stuff etc.
Large heavy wooden table for upstairs in the barn to lay out field plans & doing group work like transplanting, seed threshing etc.
Group capacity stainless-steel French Press for serving up massive quantities of freshly roasted Jumping Bean Coffee!! For the volunteers and me!! This is more a must than a wish.
Whatever musical instruments we can make harmonies with.
Electric fencing, solar chargers, deep cycle batteries, wind turbine, solar panels inverters etc. We have a number of remote sites and electric fencing is a great way to keep animals out of trouble!!
and there's more still, but that can wait for later....